4.2 Tidy data

The same data can be represented in multiple ways. There is even room for variance in the class of rectangular representations of data. Some manners of representations are more useful for certain purposes than for others. For data analysis (plotting, statistical analyses) we prefer to represent our data as (rectangular) tidy data. A concise rationale for using tidy data is given in Figure 4.1.

Artwork by allison_horst

Figure 4.1: Artwork by allison_horst

4.2.1 Running example

Consider the example of student grades for two exams in a course. A compact way of representing the data for visual digestion is the following representation:

exam_results_visual <- tribble(
  ~exam,       ~"Rozz",   ~"Andrew",   ~"Siouxsie",
  "midterm",   "1.3",     "2.0",       "1.7",
  "final"  ,   "2.3",     "1.7",       "1.0"
## # A tibble: 2 × 4
##   exam    Rozz  Andrew Siouxsie
##   <chr>   <chr> <chr>  <chr>   
## 1 midterm 1.3   2.0    1.7     
## 2 final   2.3   1.7    1.0

This is how such data would frequently be represented, e.g., in tables in a journal. Indeed, Rmarkdown helps us present this data in an appetizing manner, e.g., in Table 4.1, which is produced by the code below:

  caption = "Fictitious exam results of fictitious students.", 
  booktabs = TRUE
Table 4.1: Fictitious exam results of fictitious students.
exam Rozz Andrew Siouxsie
midterm 1.3 2.0 1.7
final 2.3 1.7 1.0

Though highly perspicuous, this representation of the data is not tidy, in the special technical sense we endorse here. A tidy representation of the course results could be this:

exam_results_tidy <- tribble(
  ~student,    ~exam,      ~grade,
  "Rozz",      "midterm",  1.3,
  "Andrew",    "midterm",  2.0,
  "Siouxsie",  "midterm",  1.7,
  "Rozz",      "final",    2.3,
  "Andrew",    "final",    1.7,
  "Siouxsie",  "final",    1.0
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##   student  exam    grade
##   <chr>    <chr>   <dbl>
## 1 Rozz     midterm   1.3
## 2 Andrew   midterm   2  
## 3 Siouxsie midterm   1.7
## 4 Rozz     final     2.3
## 5 Andrew   final     1.7
## 6 Siouxsie final     1

4.2.2 Definition of tidy data

Following Wickham (2014), a tidy representation of (rectangular) data is defined as one where:

  1. each variable forms a column,
  2. each observation forms a row, and
  3. each type of observational unit forms a table.

Any data set that is not tidy is messy data. Messy data that satisfies the first two constraints, but not the third will be called almost tidy data in this course. We will work, wherever possible, with data that is at least almost tidy. Figure 4.2 shows a graphical representation of the concept of tidy data.

Organization of tidy data (taken from @wickham2016).

Figure 4.2: Organization of tidy data (taken from Wickham and Grolemund (2016)).

4.2.3 Excursion: non-redundant data

The final condition in the definition of tidy data is not particularly important for us here (since we will make do with ‘almost tidy data’), but to understand it nonetheless consider the following data set:

exam_results_overloaded <- tribble(
  ~student,    ~stu_number,    ~exam,      ~grade,
  "Rozz",      "666",          "midterm",  1.3,
  "Andrew",    "1969",         "midterm",  2.0,
  "Siouxsie",  "3.14",         "midterm",  1.7,
  "Rozz",      "666",          "final",    2.3,
  "Andrew",    "1969",         "final",    1.7,
  "Siouxsie",  "3.14",         "final",    1.0
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
##   student  stu_number exam    grade
##   <chr>    <chr>      <chr>   <dbl>
## 1 Rozz     666        midterm   1.3
## 2 Andrew   1969       midterm   2  
## 3 Siouxsie 3.14       midterm   1.7
## 4 Rozz     666        final     2.3
## 5 Andrew   1969       final     1.7
## 6 Siouxsie 3.14       final     1

This table is not tidy in an intuitive sense because it includes redundancy. Why list the student numbers twice, once with each observation of exam score? The table is not tidy in the technical sense that not every observational unit forms a table, i.e., the observation of student numbers and the observation of exam scores should be stored independently in different tables, like so:

# same as before
exam_results_tidy <- tribble(
  ~student,    ~exam,      ~grade,
  "Rozz",      "midterm",  1.3,
  "Andrew",    "midterm",  2.0,
  "Siouxsie",  "midterm",  1.7,
  "Rozz",      "final",    2.3,
  "Andrew",    "final",    1.7,
  "Siouxsie",  "final",    1.0
# additional table with student numbers
student_numbers <- tribble(
  ~student,    ~student_number,
  "Rozz",      "666",   
  "Andrew",    "1969",
  "Siouxsie",  "3.14"

Notice that, although the information is distributed over two tibbles, it is linked by the common column student. If we really need to bring all of the information together, the tidyverse has a quick and elegant solution:

full_join(exam_results_tidy, student_numbers, by = "student")
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
##   student  exam    grade student_number
##   <chr>    <chr>   <dbl> <chr>         
## 1 Rozz     midterm   1.3 666           
## 2 Andrew   midterm   2   1969          
## 3 Siouxsie midterm   1.7 3.14          
## 4 Rozz     final     2.3 666           
## 5 Andrew   final     1.7 1969          
## 6 Siouxsie final     1   3.14

Exercise 4.1: Tidy or Untidy?

Lets take a look at this made up data set:

data <- tribble(
~subject_id,  ~choices,  ~reaction_times,
1,            "A,B,B",   "312 433 365",
2,            "B,A,B",   "393 491 327",
3,            "B,A,A",   "356 313 475", 
4,            "A,B,B",   "292 352 378")

Is this data tidy or untidy? Explain your reasoning.

This data is untidy for given reasons:

  1. Each row contains more than one observation.
  2. Most fields contain more than one value.


———. 2014. “Tidy Data.” Journal of Statistical Software 59 (10).
Wickham, Hadley, and Garrett Grolemund. 2016. R for Data Science: Import, Tidy, Transform, Visualize, and Model Data. O’Reilly Media, Inc.