class A3DS(Dataset):
Dataset class for loading the dataset of images and captions from the 3dshapes dataset.
num_labels: int
Number of distinct captions to sample for each image. Relevant for using the dataloader for training models.
labels_type: str
"long" or "short". Indicates whether long or short captions should be used.
run_inference: bool
Flag indicating whether this dataset will be used for performing inference with a trained image captioner.
batch_size: int
Batch size. Has to be 1 in order to save the example image-caption pairs.
vocab_file: str
Name of vocab file.
start_token: str
Start token.
end_token: str
End token.
unk_token: str
Token to be used when encoding unknown tokens.
pad_token: str
Pad token to be used for padding captions tp max_sequence_length.
max_sequence_length: int
Length to which all captions are padded / truncated.
def __init__(
num_labels=1, # number of ground truth labels to retrieve per image
labels_type="long", # alternative: short
run_inference=False, # depending on this flag, check presence of model weights
start_token="START", # might be unnecessary since vocab file is fixed anyways
max_sequence_length=26, # important for padding length
# check vocab file exists
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, vocab_file)), "Make sure the vocab file exists in the directory passed to the dataloader (see README)"
# check if image file exists
assert (os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "sandbox_3Dshapes_1000.pkl")) and os.path.join(path, "")), "Make sure the sandbox dataset exists in the directory passed to the dataloader (see README)"
if labels_type == "long":
assert num_labels <= 20, "Maximally 20 distinct image-long caption pairs can be created for one image"
assert num_labels <= 27, "Maximally 27 distinct image-short caption pairs can be created for one image"
self.batch_size = batch_size
with open(os.path.join(path, vocab_file), "rb") as vf:
self.vocab = pickle.load(vf)
self.max_sequence_length = max_sequence_length
self.start_token = start_token
self.end_token = end_token
self.unk_token = unk_token
self.pad_token = pad_token
self.tokenizer = get_tokenizer("basic_english")
self.embedded_imgs = torch.load(os.path.join(path, ""))
with open(os.path.join(path, "sandbox_3Dshapes_1000.pkl"), "rb") as f:
self.sandbox_file = pickle.load(f)
self.images = self.sandbox_file["images"]
self.numeric_labels = self.sandbox_file["labels_numeric"]
self.labels_long = self.sandbox_file["labels_long"]
self.labels_short = self.sandbox_file["labels_short"]
if labels_type == "long":
labels_ids_flat = [list(np.random.choice(range(len(self.labels_long[0])), num_labels, replace=False)) for i in range(len(self.images))]
self.labels_flat = [self.labels_long[i][l] for i, sublst in enumerate(labels_ids_flat) for l in sublst]
self.img_ids_flat = [id for id in range(len(self.images)) for i in range(num_labels)]
labels_ids_flat = [list(np.random.choice(range(len(self.labels_short[0])), num_labels, replace=False)) for i in range(len(self.images))]
self.labels_flat = [self.labels_short[i][l] for i, sublst in enumerate(labels_ids_flat) for l in sublst]
self.img_ids_flat = [id for id in range(len(self.images)) for i in range(num_labels)]
# print("len labels ids flat ", len(labels_ids_flat))
# print("len labels flat ", len(self.labels_flat), self.labels_flat[:5])
# print("len image ids flat ", len(self.img_ids_flat), self.img_ids_flat[:5])
def __len__(self):
Returns length of dataset.
return len(self.img_ids_flat)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
Iterator over the dataset.
idx: int
Index for accessing the flat image-caption pairs.
target_img: np.ndarray (64,64,3)
Original image.
target_features: torch.Tensor(2048,)
ResNet features of the image.
target_lbl: str
String caption.
numeric_lbl: np.ndarray (6,)
Original numeric image annotation.
target_caption: torch.Tensor(batch_size, 25)
Encoded caption.
# access raw image corresponding to the index in the entire dataset
target_img = self.images[self.img_ids_flat[idx]]
# access caption
target_lbl = self.labels_flat[idx]
# access original numeric annotation of the image
numeric_lbl = self.numeric_labels[self.img_ids_flat[idx]]
# cast type
target_img = np.asarray(target_img).astype('uint8')
# retrieve ResNet features, accessed through original image ID
target_features = self.embedded_imgs[self.img_ids_flat[idx]]
# tokenize label
tokens = self.tokenizer(str(target_lbl).lower().replace("-", " "))
# Convert caption to tensor of word ids, append start and end tokens.
target_caption = self.tokenize_caption(tokens)
# convert to tensor
target_caption = torch.Tensor(target_caption).long()
return target_img, target_features, target_lbl, numeric_lbl, target_caption
def tokenize_caption(self, label):
Helper for converting list of tokens into list of token IDs.
Expects tokenized caption as input.
label: list
Tokenized caption.
tokens: list
List of token IDs, prepended with start, end, padded to max length.
label = label[:(self.max_sequence_length-2)]
tokens = [self.vocab["word2idx"][self.start_token]]
for t in label:
# pad
while len(tokens) < self.max_sequence_length:
return tokens
def get_labels_for_image(self, id, caption_type="long"):
Helper for getting all annotations for a given image id.
id: int
Index of image caption pair containing the image
for which the full list of captions should be returned.
caption_type: str
"long" or "short". Indicates type of captions to provide.
List of all captions for given image.
if caption_type == "long":
return self.labels_long[self.img_ids_flat[id]]
return self.labels_short[self.img_ids_flat[id]]
A3DS_dataset = A3DS()
vocab = A3DS_dataset.vocab["word2idx"].keys()
vocab_size = len(vocab)