class DecoderRNN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, embed_size, hidden_size, vocab_size, visual_embed_size, batch_size=1, num_layers=1):
Initialize the language module consisting of a one-layer LSTM and
trainable embeddings. The image embeddings (both target and distractor!)
are used as additional context at every step of the training
(prepended to each word embedding).
embed_size: int
Dimensionality of trainable embeddings.
hidden_size: int
Hidden/ cell state dimensionality of the LSTM.
vocab_size: int
Length of vocabulary.
visual_embed_size: int
Dimensionality of each image embedding to be appended at each time step as additional context.
batch_size: int
Batch size.
num_layers: int
Number of LSTM layers.
super(DecoderRNN, self).__init__()
self.num_layers = num_layers
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.embed_size= embed_size
self.vocabulary_size = vocab_size
self.visual_embed_size = visual_embed_size
# embedding layer
self.embed = nn.Embedding(self.vocabulary_size, self.embed_size)
# layer projecting ResNet features of a single image to desired size
self.project = nn.Linear(2048, self.visual_embed_size)
# LSTM takes as input the word embedding with prepended embeddings of the two images at each time step
# note that the batch dimension comes first
self.lstm = nn.LSTM(self.embed_size + 2*self.visual_embed_size, self.hidden_size , self.num_layers, batch_first=True)
# transforming last lstm hidden state to scores over vocabulary
self.linear = nn.Linear(hidden_size, self.vocabulary_size)
self.batch_size = batch_size
# initial hidden state of the lstm
self.hidden = self.init_hidden(self.batch_size)
# initialization of the layers, 0.1), 0.1)
def init_hidden(self, batch_size):
At the start of training, we need to initialize a hidden state;
Defines a hidden state with all zeroes
The axes are (num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size)
# if torch.backends.mps.is_available():
# device = torch.device("mps")
# elif torch.cuda.is_available():
# device = torch.device("cuda")
# else:
# device = torch.device("cpu")
device = torch.device('cpu')
return (torch.zeros((1, batch_size, self.hidden_size), device=device), \
torch.zeros((1, batch_size, self.hidden_size), device=device))
def forward(self, features, captions, prev_hidden):
Perform forward step through the LSTM.
features: torch.tensor(batch_size, 2, embed_size)
Embeddings of images, target and distractor concatenated in this order.
captions: torch.tensor(batch_size, caption_length)
Lists of indices representing tokens of each caption.
prev_hidden: (torch.tensor(num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size), torch.tensor(num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size))
Tuple containing previous hidden and cell states of the LSTM.
outputs: torch.tensor(batch_size, caption_length, embedding_dim)
Scores over vocabulary for each token in each caption.
hidden_state: (torch.tensor(num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size), torch.tensor(num_layers, batch_size, hidden_size))
Tuple containing new hidden and cell state of the LSTM.
# features of shape (batch_size, 2, 2048)
image_emb = self.project(features) # image_emb should have shape (batch_size, 2, 512)
# concatenate target and distractor embeddings
img_features =[:, 0, :], image_emb[:, 1, :]), dim=-1).unsqueeze(1)
embeddings = self.embed(captions)
# repeat image features such that they can be prepended to each token
img_features_reps = img_features.repeat(1, embeddings.shape[1], 1)
# PREpend the feature embedding as additional context as first token, assume there is no END token
embeddings =, embeddings), dim=-1)
out, hidden_state = self.lstm(embeddings, prev_hidden)
# project LSTM predictions on to vocab
outputs = self.linear(out) # prediction shape is (batch_size, max_sequence_length, vocab_size)
# print("outputs shape in forward ", outputs.shape)
return outputs, hidden_state
def log_prob_helper(self, logits, values):
Helper function for scoring the sampled token,
because it is not implemented for MPS yet.
Just duplicates source code from PyTorch.
values = values.long().unsqueeze(-1)
values, log_pmf = torch.broadcast_tensors(values, logits)
values = values[..., :1]
return log_pmf.gather(-1, values).squeeze(-1)
def sample(self, inputs, max_sequence_length):
Function for sampling a caption during functional (reference game) training.
Implements greedy sampling. Sampling stops when END token is sampled or when max_sequence_length is reached.
Also returns the log probabilities of the action (the sampled caption) for REINFORCE.
inputs: torch.tensor(1, 1, embed_size)
pre-processed image tensor.
max_sequence_length: int
Max length of sequence which the nodel should generate.
output: list
predicted sentence (list of tensor ids).
log_probs: torch.Tensor
log probabilities of the generated tokens (up to and including first END token)
raw_outputs: torch.Tensor
Raw logits for each prediction timestep.
entropies: torch.Tesnor
Entropies at each generation timestep.
# placeholders for output
output = []
raw_outputs = [] # for structural loss computation
log_probs = []
entropies = []
batch_size = inputs.shape[0]
softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)
init_hiddens = self.init_hidden(batch_size)
# if torch.backends.mps.is_available():
# device = torch.device("mps")
# elif torch.cuda.is_available():
# device = torch.device("cuda")
# else:
# device = torch.device("cpu")
device = torch.device('cpu')
#### start sampling ####
for i in range(max_sequence_length):
if i == 0:
cat_samples = torch.tensor([0]).repeat(batch_size, 1)
hidden_state = init_hiddens
cat_samples =
inputs =
out, hidden_state = self.forward(inputs, cat_samples, hidden_state)
# get and save probabilities and save raw outputs
probs = softmax(out)
max_probs, cat_samples = torch.max(probs, dim = -1)
log_p = torch.log(max_probs)
entropy = -log_p * max_probs
top5_probs, top5_inds = torch.topk(probs, 5, dim=-1)
# cat_samples =, cat_samples), dim=-1)
# print("Cat samples ", cat_samples)
output = torch.stack(output, dim=-1).squeeze(1)
# stack
log_probs = torch.stack(log_probs, dim=1).squeeze(-1)
entropies = torch.stack(entropies, dim=1).squeeze(-1)
# get effective log prob and entropy values - the ones up to (including) END (word2idx = 1)
# mask positions after END - both entropy and log P should be 0 at those positions
end_mask = output.size(-1) - (torch.eq(output, 1).to(torch.int64).cumsum(dim=1) > 0).sum(dim=-1)
# include the END token
end_inds = end_mask.add_(1).clamp_(max=output.size(-1)) # shape: (batch_size,)
for pos, i in enumerate(end_inds):
# zero out log Ps and entropies
log_probs[pos, i:] = 0
entropies[pos, i:] = 0
raw_outputs = torch.stack(raw_outputs, dim=1).view(batch_size, -1, self.vocabulary_size)
return output, log_probs, raw_outputs, entropies