Bayesian regression: theory & practice

05b: Hierarchical regression models (exercises)


Michael Franke & Timo Roettger

Load relevant packages and “set the scene.”

Here is code to load (and if necessary, install) required packages, and to set some global options (for plotting and efficient fitting of Bayesian models).

# install packages from CRAN (unless installed)
pckgs_needed <- c(
pckgs_installed <- installed.packages()[,"Package"]
pckgs_2_install <- pckgs_needed[!(pckgs_needed %in% pckgs_installed)]
if(length(pckgs_2_install)) {

# install additional packages from GitHub (unless installed)
if (! "aida" %in% pckgs_installed) {
if (! "faintr" %in% pckgs_installed) {
if (! "cspplot" %in% pckgs_installed) {

# load the required packages
x <- lapply(pckgs_needed, library, character.only = TRUE)

# these options help Stan run faster
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())

# use the CSP-theme for plotting

# global color scheme from CSP
project_colors = cspplot::list_colors()[c(1,3,4,5,2,6:14),"hex", drop = TRUE]

# setting theme colors globally
scale_colour_discrete <- function(...) {
  scale_colour_manual(..., values = project_colors)
scale_fill_discrete <- function(...) {
   scale_fill_manual(..., values = project_colors)
dolphin <- aida::data_MT
my_scale <- function(x) c(scale(x))

Exercise 1: Logistic regression

Consider the following model formula for the dolphin data set:

brms::bf(MAD ~ condition + 
     (condition || subject_id) +
     (condition || exemplar))
MAD ~ condition + (condition || subject_id) + (condition || exemplar) 

Exercise 1a

Why is the random effect structure of this model questionable? Can we meaningfully estimate all parameters? (Tip: Think about what group levels vary across predictor levels)

Show solution
# Answer: `condition` is not crossed with `exemplar`. An exemplar is either typical or atypical, thus a random slope does not make sense.

Exercise 1b

Use the following data frame:

# set up data frame
dolphin_correct <- dolphin %>% 
  filter(correct == 1) %>% 
  mutate(log_RT_s = my_scale(log(RT)),
         AUC_s = my_scale(AUC))

Run a multilevel model that predicts AUC_s based on condition. Specify maximal random effect structures for exemplars and subject_ids (ignore correlations between intercepts and slopes for now). Specify a seed = 98.

If you encounter “divergent transition” warning, make them go away by refitting the model appropriately (Tip: Brms gives very useful, actionable advice)

(This might take a couple of minutes, get used to it ;)

Show solution
# refit with upped adapt_delta and max_treedepth
xmdl_AUC2 <- brm(AUC_s ~ condition +
                  (condition || subject_id) +
                  (1 | exemplar),
                data = dolphin_correct,
                control=list(adapt_delta=0.99, max_treedepth=15), 
                seed = 98

Exercise 1c

You want to run a multilevel model that predicts log_RT_s based on group. You want to account for group-level variation of both subject_id and exemplar. What kind of groupings can be meaningfully estimated, given the dataset and the experimental design. You can check the crossing of different vectors with xtabs() for example.

Show solution
# check crossing
xtabs(~ group + subject_id, dolphin_correct)
# individual subject_ids contributed data only to one group because it is a between-subject design
# --> we need varying intercepts only, i.e. a different base-rate for subjects

xtabs(~ group + exemplar, dolphin_correct)
# each exemplar contributes data to both groups
# --> we can integrate varying intercepts and slopes for exemplars

Exercise 1d

Run a multilevel model that predicts log_RT_s based on group and add maximal random effect structures licensed by the experimental design (ignore possible random intercept-slope interactions for now).

Specify weakly informative priors as you see fit.

Show solution
priors <- c(
  #priors for all fixed effects (group)
  set_prior("student_t(3, 0, 3)", class = "b"),
  #prior for the Intercept
  set_prior("student_t(3, 0, 3)", class = "Intercept"),
  #prior for all SDs including the varying intercepts and slopes
  set_prior("student_t(3, 0, 3)", class = "sd")

xmdl <- brm(log_RT_s ~ group + 
              (1 | subject_id) +
              (group || exemplar),
            prior = priors,
            data = dolphin_correct)

Exercise 1e

Extract the posterior means and 95% CrIs of touch vs. click log_RT_s and plot them.

Show solution
# Extract the posteriors
posteriors <- xmdl %>%
               b_grouptouch) %>%
  # calculate posteriors for each individual level
  mutate(click = b_Intercept,
         touch = b_Intercept + b_grouptouch) %>% 
  select(click, touch) %>% 
  gather(key = "parameter", value = "posterior") %>% 
  group_by(parameter) %>% 
  summarise(mean_posterior = mean(posterior),
            `95lowerCrI` = HDInterval::hdi(posterior, credMass = 0.95)[1],
            `95higherCrI` = HDInterval::hdi(posterior, credMass = 0.95)[2])

# plot
ggplot(data = posteriors, 
       aes(x = parameter, y = mean_posterior,
           color = parameter, fill = parameter)) + 
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = `95lowerCrI`, ymax = `95higherCrI`),
                width = 0.2, color = "grey") +
  geom_line(aes(group = 1), color = "black") +
  geom_point(size = 4) +
  labs(x = "group",
       y = "posterior log(RT) (scaled)")

Exercise 1f

Add the posterior estimates for different exemplars to the plot. (Tip: Check code from the previous “tutorial” to extract the random effect estimates.)

Show solution
# extract the random intercepts for exemplars
random_intc_matrix <- ranef(xmdl)$exemplar[, , "Intercept"] %>% 
  round(digits = 2) 

# extract the by-exemplar random slopes for group
random_slope_matrix <- ranef(xmdl)$exemplar[, , "grouptouch"] %>% 
  round(digits = 2)

# random intercepts to dataframe
random_intc_df <- data.frame(exemplar = row.names(random_intc_matrix), random_intc_matrix) %>% 
  select(exemplar, Estimate) %>% 
  rename(rintercept = Estimate)

# combine with random slope matrix
random_slope_df <- data.frame(exemplar = row.names(random_slope_matrix), random_slope_matrix) %>% 
  select(exemplar, Estimate) %>% 
  rename(rslope = Estimate) %>% 
  full_join(random_intc_df) %>% 
  # add population parameters and group-specific parameters
  mutate(click_population = fixef(xmdl)[1],
         touch_population = fixef(xmdl)[1] + fixef(xmdl)[2],
         click = rintercept + click_population,
         touch = rintercept + rslope + touch_population) %>% 
  select(exemplar, touch, click) %>% 
  gather(parameter, mean_posterior, -exemplar)

# combine with plot
ggplot(data = posteriors, 
       aes(x = parameter, y = mean_posterior,
           color = parameter, fill = parameter)) + 
   # add random estimates
  geom_point(data = random_slope_df, 
             alpha = 0.4,
             size = 2,
             position = position_jitter(width = 0.01)
             ) +
  # add lines between random estimates
  geom_line(data = random_slope_df, 
            aes(group = exemplar),
            color = "grey", alpha = 0.3) +
  # add population-level estimates
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = `95lowerCrI`, ymax = `95higherCrI`),
                width = 0.2, color = "grey") +
  geom_line(aes(group = 1), size = 2, color = "black") +
  geom_point(size = 4, pch = 21, color = "black") +
  labs(x = "group",
       y = "posterior log(RT) (scaled)")

Exercise 2: Poisson regression

Exercise 2a

Run a multilevel poisson regression predicting xpos_flips based on group, log_RT_s, and their two-way interaction. Specify maximal random effect structures for exemplars and subject_ids licensed by the design (ignore correlations between intercepts and slopes for now). (Tip: allow groupings to differ regarding the interaction effect if licensed by the design.) Specify weakly informative priors.

Show solution
priors <- c(
  #priors for all fixed effects
  set_prior("student_t(3, 0, 3)", class = "b"),
  #prior for all SDs including the varying intercepts and slopes for both groupings
  set_prior("student_t(3, 0, 3)", class = "sd")

poisson_mdl <- brm(xpos_flips ~ group * log_RT_s +
                     (log_RT_s || subject_id) +
                     (group * log_RT_s || exemplar),
                   data = dolphin_correct,
                   prior = priors,
                   family = "poisson")


Exercise 2b

Extract and plot the population level estimates for both click and touch group as a regression line into a scatter plot (x = b_log_RT_s, y = xpos_flips).

Show solution
# extract posterior means for model coefficients
predicted_Poisson_values <- poisson_mdl %>%
  spread_draws(b_Intercept, b_log_RT_s, 
               b_grouptouch, `b_grouptouch:log_RT_s`
               ) %>%
  # make a list of relevant value range of logRT
  mutate(log_RT = list(seq(-5, 10, 0.5))) %>% 
  unnest(log_RT) %>%
  mutate(click = exp(b_Intercept + b_log_RT_s*log_RT),
         touch = exp(b_Intercept + b_log_RT_s*log_RT +
                            b_grouptouch + `b_grouptouch:log_RT_s`*log_RT)) %>%
  select(log_RT, click, touch) %>% 
  gather(group, posterior, -log_RT) %>% 
  group_by(log_RT, group) %>%
  summarise(pred_m = mean(posterior, na.rm = TRUE),
            pred_low = quantile(posterior, prob = 0.025),
            pred_high = quantile(posterior, prob = 0.975)

# plot population level
ggplot(data = predicted_Poisson_values, aes(x = log_RT, y = pred_m)) +
  geom_point(data = dolphin_correct, aes(x = log_RT_s, y = xpos_flips, color = group), 
             position = position_jitter(height = 0.2), alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_line(aes(y = pred_m, color = group), size = 2) +
  facet_grid(~group) +
  ylab("Predicted prob of xflips") +
  ylim(-1,10) +

Exercise 2c

Extract the respective subject-specific estimates from the model and plot them into the same plot (use thinner lines).

Show solution
# extract the random effects for subject_id

# intercepts
random_intc_matrix <- ranef(poisson_mdl)$subject_id[, , "Intercept"] %>% 
  round(digits = 3)

# slopes
random_slope_matrix <- ranef(poisson_mdl)$subject_id[, , "log_RT_s"] %>% 
  round(digits = 3)

# to df
random_intc_df <- data.frame(subject_id = row.names(random_intc_matrix), random_intc_matrix) %>% 
  select(subject_id, Estimate) %>% 
  rename(rintercept = Estimate)

# wrangle into one df 
random_slope_df <- data.frame(subject_id = row.names(random_slope_matrix), random_slope_matrix) %>% 
  select(subject_id, Estimate) %>% 
  rename(rslope = Estimate) %>% 
  full_join(random_intc_df) %>% 
  expand_grid(group = c("click", "touch")) %>% 
  # add population parameters and group-specific parameters
  mutate(adjusted_int = ifelse(group == "click",
           rintercept + fixef(poisson_mdl)[1],
           rintercept + fixef(poisson_mdl)[1] + fixef(poisson_mdl)[2]),
         adjusted_slope = ifelse(group == "click",
           rslope + fixef(poisson_mdl)[3],
           rslope + fixef(poisson_mdl)[3] + fixef(poisson_mdl)[4])) %>% 
  mutate(log_RT = list(seq(-5, 10, 0.5))) %>% 
  unnest(log_RT) %>%
  select(subject_id, log_RT, group, 
         adjusted_int, adjusted_slope) %>% 
  group_by(subject_id, log_RT, group) %>%
  mutate(pred_m = exp(adjusted_int + adjusted_slope*log_RT))

# plot the individual regression lines on top of the population estimate
ggplot(data = predicted_Poisson_values, aes(x = log_RT, y = pred_m)) +
  geom_point(data = dolphin_correct, aes(x = log_RT_s, y = xpos_flips), 
             position = position_jitter(height = 0.2), alpha = 0.01) +
  geom_line(aes(y = pred_m, color = group), size = 2) +
  geom_line(data = random_slope_df, 
            aes(x = log_RT, y = pred_m, group = subject_id, color = group),
            size = 0.5, alpha = 0.2) +
  facet_grid(~group) +
  ylab("Predicted prob of xflips") +
  ylim(-1,10) +