Here is code to load (and if necessary, install) required packages, and to set some global options (for plotting and efficient fitting of Bayesian models).
# install packages from CRAN (unless installed)pckgs_needed <-c("tidyverse","brms","remotes","tidybayes")pckgs_installed <-installed.packages()[,"Package"]pckgs_2_install <- pckgs_needed[!(pckgs_needed %in% pckgs_installed)]if(length(pckgs_2_install)) {install.packages(pckgs_2_install)} # install additional packages from GitHub (unless installed)if (!"aida"%in% pckgs_installed) { remotes::install_github("michael-franke/aida-package")}if (!"faintr"%in% pckgs_installed) { remotes::install_github("michael-franke/faintr")}if (!"cspplot"%in% pckgs_installed) { remotes::install_github("CogSciPrag/cspplot")}# load the required packagesx <-lapply(pckgs_needed, library, character.only =TRUE)library(aida)library(faintr)library(cspplot)# these options help Stan run fasteroptions(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())# use the CSP-theme for plottingtheme_set(theme_csp())# global color scheme from CSPproject_colors = cspplot::list_colors()[c(1,3,4,5,2,6:14),"hex", drop =TRUE]# setting theme colors globallyscale_colour_discrete <-function(...) {scale_colour_manual(..., values = project_colors)}scale_fill_discrete <-function(...) {scale_fill_manual(..., values = project_colors)}
dolphin <- aida::data_MT
Regression w/ multiple categorical predictors
We want to regress log RT against the full combination of categorical factors group, condition, and prototype_label.
log RT ~ group * condition * prototype_label
The research hypotheses we would like to investigate are:
Typical trials are faster than atypical ones.
CoM trials are slower than the other kinds of trials (straight and curved) together, and respectively.
‘straight’ trials are faster than ‘curved’ trials.
Click trials are slower than touch trials.
But for this to work (without at least mildly informative priors), we would need to have a sufficient amount of observations in each cell. So, let’s check:
So, there are cells for which we have no observations at all. For simplicity, we therefore just lump all “change of mind”-type trajectories into one category:
Use brm() to run a linear regression model for the data set dolphin_prepped and the formula:
log RT ~ group * condition * prototype_label
Set the prior for all population-level slope coefficients to a reasonable, weakly-informative but unbiased prior.
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fit <-brm(formula =log(RT) ~ group * condition * prototype_label,prior =prior(student_t(1, 0, 3), class ="b"),data = dolphin_prepped )
Exercise 1b
Plot the posteriors for population-level slope coefficients using the tidybayes package in order to:
determine which combination of factor levels is the default cell
check which coefficients have 95% CIs that do not include zero
try to use this latter information to address any of our research hypotheses (stated above)
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tidybayes::summarise_draws(fit)tidybayes::gather_draws(fit, `b_.*`, regex =TRUE) |>filter(.variable !="b_Intercept") |>ggplot(aes(y = .variable, x = .value)) + tidybayes::stat_halfeye() +labs(x ="", y ="") +geom_segment(x =0, xend =0, y =Inf, yend =-Inf,lty ="dashed")# the default cell is for click-atypical-straight# coeffiencents with 95% CIs that do not include zero are:# grouptouch, conditionTypical, prototype_labelCoM# none of these give us direct information about our research hypotheses
Exercise 1c
Use the faintr package to get information relevant for the current research hypotheses. Interpret each result with respect to what we may conclude from it.
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# 1. Typical trials are faster than atypical ones.# -> There is overwhelming evidence that this is true# (given the data and the model).faintr::compare_groups( fit,lower = condition =='Typical',higher = condition =='Atypical')# 2. CoM trials are slower than the other kinds of trials# (straight and curved) together, and respectively.# -> There is overwhelming evidence that this is true# (given the data and the model).faintr::compare_groups( fit,lower = prototype_label !='CoM',higher = prototype_label =='CoM')faintr::compare_groups( fit,lower = prototype_label =='straight',higher = prototype_label =='CoM')# 3. 'straight' trials are faster than 'curved' trials.# -> There is no evidence for this hypothesis# (given the data and the model).faintr::compare_groups( fit,lower = prototype_label =='straight',higher = prototype_label =='curved')# 4. Click trials are slower than touch trials.# -> There is overwhelming evidence that this is true# (given the data and the model).faintr::compare_groups( fit,lower = group =='touch',higher = group =='click')
Regression w/ metric & categorical predictors
Exercise 2
Exercise 2a
Create a new dataframe that contains only the mean values of the RT, and MAD for each animal (exemplar) and for correct and incorrect responses. Print out the head of the new dataframe.
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# aggregatedolphin_agg <- dolphin |>group_by(exemplar, correct) |> dplyr::summarize(MAD =mean(MAD, na.rm =TRUE),RT =mean(RT, na.rm =TRUE))# let's have a lookhead(dolphin_agg)
Exercise 2b
Run a linear regression using brms. MAD is the dependent variable (i.e. the measure) and both RT and correct are independent variables (MAD ~ RT + correct). Tip: the coefficients might be really really small, so make sure the output is printed with enough numbers after the comma.
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# specify the model model2 =brm(# model formula MAD ~ RT + correct, # datadata = dolphin_agg )print(summary(model2), digits =5)
Try to understand the coefficient table. There is one coefficient for RT and one coefficient for correct which gives you the change in MAD from incorrect to correct responses.
Exercise 2c
Plot a scatter plot of MAD ~ RT and color code it for correct responses (Tip: Make sure that correct is treated as a factor and not a numeric vector). Draw two predicted lines into the scatterplot. One for correct responses (“lightblue”) and one for incorrect responses (“orange”).
Extract the posteriors for the coefficients of both RT and correct from the model output (use the spread_draws() function), calculate their means and a 67% Credible Interval. Print out the head of the aggregated dataframe.
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# get posteriors for the relevant coefficientsposteriors2 <- model2 |>spread_draws(b_RT, b_correct) |>select(b_RT, b_correct) |>gather(key ="parameter", value ="posterior")# aggregateposteriors2_agg <- posteriors2 |>group_by(parameter) |>summarise(mean_posterior =mean(posterior),`67lowerCrI`= HDInterval::hdi(posterior, credMass =0.67)[1],`67higherCrI`= HDInterval::hdi(posterior, credMass =0.67)[2] )# print outposteriors2_agg
Exercise 2e
Plot the scatterplot from 2c and plot 50 sample tuples for the regression lines for correct and incorrect responses.
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# sample 50 random numbers from 4000 samplesrandom_50 <-sample(1:4000, 50, replace =FALSE)# wrangle data frameposteriors3 <- model2 |>spread_draws(b_Intercept, b_RT, b_correct) |>select(b_Intercept, b_RT, b_correct) |># filter by the row numbers in random_50slice(random_50)# plotggplot(data = dolphin_agg, aes(x = RT, y = MAD, color = correct)) +geom_abline(data = posteriors3,aes(intercept = b_Intercept, slope = b_RT), color ="orange", size =0.1) +geom_abline(data = posteriors3,aes(intercept = b_Intercept + b_correct, slope = b_RT), color ="lightblue", size =0.1) +geom_point(size =3, alpha =0.3)
Exercise 2f
Given our model and our data, calculate the evidential ratio of correct responses exhibiting larger MADs than incorrect responses.
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hypothesis(model2, 'correct > 0')
Exercise 3
Here is an aggregated data set dolphin_agg for you.
Plot MAD (y) against log_RT_s (x) in a scatter plot and color-code for group. Plot the regression lines for the click and the touch group into the plot and don’t forget to take possible interactions into account.
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# extract posterior means for model coefficientsIntercept =summary(model1)$fixed[1,1]log_RT =summary(model1)$fixed[2,1]group =summary(model1)$fixed[3,1]interaction =summary(model1)$fixed[4,1]# plotggplot(data = dolphin_agg, aes(x = log_RT_s, y = MAD, color = group)) +geom_point(size =3, alpha =0.3) +geom_vline(xintercept =0, lty ="dashed") +geom_abline(intercept = Intercept, slope = log_RT, color = project_colors[1], size =2) +geom_abline(intercept = Intercept + group, slope = log_RT + interaction, color = project_colors[2], size =2)
Exercise 3d
Specify very skeptic priors for all three coefficients. Use a normal distribution with mean = 0, and sd = 10. Rerun the model with those priors.
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# specify priorspriors_model2 <-c(set_prior("normal(0,10)", class ="b", coef ="log_RT_s"),set_prior("normal(0,10)", class ="b", coef ="grouptouch"),set_prior("normal(0,10)", class ="b", coef ="log_RT_s:grouptouch"))# modelmodel2 =brm( MAD ~ log_RT_s * group, data = dolphin_agg,prior = priors_model2 )
Exercise 3e
Compare the model output of model1 to model2. What are the differences and what are the reasons for these differences?
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# We can compare the model predictions by looking at the coefficients / plotting them:summary(model1)summary(model2)# extract posterior means for model coefficientsIntercept =summary(model2)$fixed[1,1]log_RT =summary(model2)$fixed[2,1]group =summary(model2)$fixed[3,1]interaction =summary(model2)$fixed[4,1]# plotggplot(data = dolphin_agg, aes(x = log_RT_s, y = MAD, color = group)) +geom_point(size =3, alpha =0.3) +geom_vline(xintercept =0, lty ="dashed") +geom_abline(intercept = Intercept, slope = log_RT, color = project_colors[1], size =2) +geom_abline(intercept = Intercept + group, slope = log_RT + interaction, color = project_colors[1], size =2) # ANSWER: the magnitude of the coefficients is much smaller in model2, with the interaction term being close to zero. As a result, the lines in the plot are closer together and run in parallel. The reason for this change lies in the priors. We defined the priors of model2 rather narrowly, down weighing data points larger or smaller than zero. This is a case of the prior dominating the posterior.