Deployment, preregistration & a plan of action

Michael Franke

road map for today


  • deployment in _babe


  • preregistration @ OSF


  • plan of action for group projects

deployment in _babe

deployment in _babe

deployment := handling results & recruiting participants



  1. debug mode:
    • execute experiment locally in your browser
    • show results of in HTML-table in browser


  1. live experiment:
    • experiment is hosted on a web-server
      • possibly: hosted on a local machine (think: lab computer / field work)
    • anyone can follow a link to do the experiment
      • possibly: participants are recruited and reimbursed via crowd-sourcing platform
    • experimental results are stored in and retrieved from a database using the _babe server app

going live with _babe

deploy info is set when creating the _babe object, e.g., in 06_main.js

most relevant for us is directLink

more information in the _babe docs

hosting the experiment

  • to make your experiment executable as a website, it needs to be hosted somewhere
  • we hosting on Netlify, and provide instructions for hosting
    • alternatively, you can also host your experiment using GitHub Pages
    • then you will have to upload the content of the folder node_modules for version control
      • this is not preferred!

preregistration reports

preregistration reports


irrevocable public commitment to experimental design/materials/procedure and statistical analysis


two kinds of analyses (to be distinguished clearly in your paper/report):

  1. confirmatory:
    • the experiment was conducted with the intention to test a hypothesis
      • ideally preregister this!


  1. exploratory:
    • explore your data to generate new hypotheses
      • if anything interesting comes up: preregister and run a new study to test the new hypothesis

two kinds of preregistration reports


  1. peer-reviewed preregistration:
    • journal reviewers decide whether your paper will be published based on your preregistration report


  1. simple preregistration:
    • just commit in public using a suitable platform, e.g., from the Open Science Foundation
    • this is what we will exercise doing in this course
      • we will prepare a template in which you will:
        • describe the experiment
        • specify your hypotheses for (confirmatory) testing
        • specify how exactly you are going to prepare and analyze the data

plan of action

plan of action for your group project

  1. team up, find topic, divide roles
  2. visit us with a preliminary plan, which we will make more concrete together
    • which study, which materials, how to realize (lab or online, …)
  3. make a schedule and communicate it with us
  4. plan & implement experiment
    • most importantly: what counts as a “direct replication”?
  5. pilot your experiment for debugging (2-3 participants (this could be you!))
  6. implement statistical analyses based on debug-pilot data
  7. write preregistration report
    • include analysis scripts
    • wait for feedback from us before continuing
  8. run experiment
  9. write paper

how to get participants

  • everybody in this class is kindly requested to take part in all of the other groups’ experiments
  • rely on friends and colleagues
  • it is possible (but we do not require or even recommend) to finance crowd-sourced external participants