Hamiltonian Monte Carlo & Stan

Michael Franke

\[ \definecolor{firebrick}{RGB}{178,34,34} \newcommand{\red}[1]{{\color{firebrick}{#1}}} \] \[ \definecolor{mygray}{RGB}{178,34,34} \newcommand{\mygray}[1]{{\color{mygray}{#1}}} \] \[ \newcommand{\set}[1]{\{#1\}} \] \[ \newcommand{\tuple}[1]{\langle#1\rangle} \] \[\newcommand{\States}{{T}}\] \[\newcommand{\state}{{t}}\] \[\newcommand{\pow}[1]{{\mathcal{P}(#1)}}\]

key notions


  • Metropolis Hastings (recap)
  • Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
  • Stan
  • diagnostics

Metropolis Hastings

Metropolis Hastings

  • let \(f(x) = \alpha P(x)\) (e.g., unnormalized posterior)
  • start at random \(x^0\), define probability \(P_\text{trans}(x^i \rightarrow x^{i+1})\) of going from \(x^{i}\) to \(x^{i+1}\)
    • proposal \(P_\text{prpsl}(x^{i+1} \mid x^i)\): prob. of considering jump to \(x^{i+1}\) from \(x^{i}\)
    • acceptance \(P_\text{accpt}(x^{i+1} \mid x^i)\): prob of making jump when \(x^{i+1}\) is proposed \[P_\text{accpt}(x^{i+1} \mid x^i) = \text{min} \left (1, \frac{f(x^{i+1})}{f(x^{i})} \frac{P_\text{prpsl}(x^{i} \mid x^{i+1})}{P_\text{prpsl}(x^{i+1} \mid x^i)} \right)\]
    • transition \(P_\text{trans}(x^i \rightarrow x^{i+1}) = P_\text{prpsl}(x^{i+1} \mid x^i) \times P_\text{accpt}(x^{i+1} \mid x^i)\)

some fake data to fit

fakeData = rnorm(200, mean = 0, sd = 1)
ggplot(tibble(x = fakeData), aes(x)) + geom_density()

c(mean = mean(fakeData), sd = sd(fakeData))
##       mean         sd 
## 0.07321794 1.01468222

homebrew MH algorithm

likelihood_function = function(mu, sigma){
  if (sigma <=0){
  priorMu = dunif(mu, min = -4, max = 4)
  priorSigma = dunif(sigma, min = 0, max = 4)
  likelihood =  prod(dnorm(fakeData, 
                           mean = mu, 
                           sd = sigma))
  return(priorMu * priorSigma * likelihood)
MH = function(f, iterations = 50, chains = 2, burnIn = 0){
  out = array(0, dim = c(chains, iterations - burnIn, 2))
  dimnames(out) = list("chain" = 1:chains, 
                       "iteration" = 1:(iterations-burnIn), 
                       "variable" = c("mu", "sigma"))
  for (c in 1:chains){
    mu = runif(1, min = -4, max = 4)
    sigma = runif(1, min = 0, max = 4)
    for (i in 1:iterations){
      muNext = mu + runif(1, min = -1.25, max = 1.25)
      sigmaNext = sigma + runif(1, min = -0.25, max = 0.25)
      rndm = runif(1, 0, 1)
      if (f(mu, sigma) < f(muNext, sigmaNext) | 
          f(muNext, sigmaNext) >= f(mu, sigma) * rndm) {
        mu = muNext
        sigma = sigmaNext
      if (i >= burnIn){
        out[c,i-burnIn,1] = mu
        out[c,i-burnIn,2] = sigma

MCMC samples from a hand-made MH algorithm

MH_fit_coda = MH(likelihood_function, iterations = 60000, 
                 chains = 2, burnIn = 10000) 
MH_fit = ggmcmc::ggs(MH_fit_coda) # casting into tibble
## # A tibble: 200,000 x 4
##    Iteration Chain Parameter value
##        <int> <int> <fct>     <dbl>
##  1         1     1 mu        0.124
##  2         2     1 mu        0.124
##  3         3     1 mu        0.124
##  4         4     1 mu        0.124
##  5         5     1 mu        0.124
##  6         6     1 mu        0.124
##  7         7     1 mu        0.124
##  8         8     1 mu        0.124
##  9         9     1 mu        0.124
## 10        10     1 mu        0.124
## # ... with 199,990 more rows
MH_fit %>% group_by(Parameter) %>% 
  summarize(HDI_lower = HDInterval::hdi(value, 0.95)[[1]],
            mean = mean(value),
            HDI_upper = HDInterval::hdi(value, 0.95)[[2]])
## # A tibble: 2 x 4
##   Parameter HDI_lower   mean HDI_upper
##   <fct>         <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 mu          -0.0710 0.0727     0.206
## 2 sigma        0.920  1.02       1.12
ggplot(MH_fit, aes(x = value)) + geom_density() + 
  facet_grid(~ Parameter, scales = "free")

Hamiltonian MC

Hamiltonian motion

  • Hamiltonian movement
    • reformulates classical mechanics
    • precursor of statistical physics
    • closed system differential equations
    • potential vs. kinetic energy




example 1


tuning parameters

  • momentum
    • e.g., standard deviation of Gaussian that determines initial jiggle


  • step size
    • how big a step to take in discretization of gradient


  • number of steps
    • how many steps before producing the proposal

example 2


example 3




BUGS project (1989 - present ???)

  • Bayesian inference Using Gibbs Sampling
  • developed by UK-based biostatisticians


WinBUGS (1997 - 2007)

  • Windows based; with GUI
  • component pascal

OpenBUGS (2005 - present)

  • Windows & Linux; MacOS through Wine
  • component pascal


JAGS (2007 - present)

  • Windows, Linux, MacOS
  • no GUI
  • written in C++

Stan (overview)

  • mc-stan.org

  • actively developed by Andrew Gelman, Bob Carpenter and others

  • uses HMC and NUTS, but can do variational Bayes and MAPs too

  • optimized performance for certain kinds of hierarchical models (e.g., hierarchical GLMs)

  • written in C++

  • cross-platform

  • interfaces: command line, Python, Julia, R, Matlab, Stata, Mathematica

  • many additional packages/goodies




example: inferring a coin’s bias with Stan

Content of file binomial.stan

data { // declare data variables
  int<lower=0> N ;
  int<lower=0,upper=N> k ;
parameters { // declare parameter variables
  real<lower=0,upper=1> theta ;
model { // prior and likelihood
  theta ~ beta(1,1) ;
  k ~ binomial(N, theta) ;

Content of file binomial.r

# package to communicate with Stan

# prepare data for Stan
dataList = list(k = 7, N = 24)

# fit the model to the data
stan_fit = stan(file = 'binomial.stan',
  data = dataList)

model as Bayesian network



run this model on your own computer!

Output: stanfit object

## Inference for Stan model: binomial.
## 4 chains, each with iter=2000; warmup=1000; thin=1; 
## post-warmup draws per chain=1000, total post-warmup draws=4000.
##         mean se_mean   sd   2.5%    25%    50%    75%  97.5% n_eff Rhat
## theta   0.31    0.00 0.09   0.15   0.25   0.31   0.37   0.49  1452    1
## lp__  -16.54    0.02 0.70 -18.54 -16.69 -16.27 -16.10 -16.05  2042    1
## Samples were drawn using NUTS(diag_e) at Sun Dec  2 13:47:48 2018.
## For each parameter, n_eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
## and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at 
## convergence, Rhat=1).
plot(stan_fit, plotfun = "dens") + 
  geom_line(data = tibble(theta=seq(0,.75,length.out=1000),
      dens = dbeta(theta, dataList$k + 1, 
                   dataList$N - dataList$k + 1)), 
    aes(x = theta, y = dens), 
    color = "skyblue", size = 1)

added goodies

variational Bayes



approximate posterior distribution by a well-behaved function



find parametric function \(F(\theta \mid \phi)\) and look for best-fitting parameters:

\[\phi^* = \arg\min_{\phi} \text{KL}(F(\theta \mid \phi) \ \ || \ \ P(\theta \mid D) ) \]

where KL is the Kullback-Leibler divergence:

\[ \text{KL}(P || Q) = \int P(x) \log \frac{P(x)}{Q(x)} \ \text{d}x \]

maximum a posteriori (MAP)


the MAP is the most likely parameter vector under the posterior distribution:

\[ \theta^* = \arg\max_{\theta} P(\theta \mid D) \]


for flat (possibly improper) priors the MAP is the MLE

assessing the quality of MCMC samples

problem statements



  • we have samples from MCMC
  • in the limit, samples must be representative of \(P\)
  • how do we know that our meagre finite samples are representative?



  • ideally, we’d like the shortest samples that are representative
  • how do we measure that we have “enough” samples?

general idea behind many practical solutions


  • compare how similar several independent sample chains are

  • look at the temporal development of single chains

packages to analyze MCMC chains

library('coda') # base r
library('ggmcmc', 'bayesplot') # tidyverse

coda and ggmcmc basically do the same thing, but they differ in, say, aesthetics

rstan has its own tools for diagnosis and relies on bayesplot for plotting


Stan vs homebrew

data {
  vector[200] y ;
parameters {
  real mu ; real sigma ;
model {
  y ~ normal(mu, sigma) ;
dataList = list(y = fakeData)
stan_fit = stan(file = 'Gaussian.stan',
           data = dataList)
plot(stan_fit, plotfun = "dens")

MH_fit = MH(likelihood_function, iterations = 60000, 
         chains = 2, burnIn = 10000) 
ggplot(MH_fit, aes(x = value)) + geom_density() + 
  facet_grid(~ Parameter, scales = "free")

trace plots

  • a trace plot plots the samples (separately for each chain) in the order in which they were gathered (by iteration)
    • did the chains converge to the same stable range of values?


visual inspection of convergence


trace plots from multiple chains should look like:

a bunch of hairy caterpillars madly in love with each other



examining sample chains: beginning


examining sample chains: rest


burn-in (= warm-up) & thinning


burn-in (warm-up)

remove initial chunk of sample sequence to discard effects of (random) starting position



only consider every \(i\)-th sample to remove autocorrelation

R hat


  • a.k.a.:
    • Gelman-Rubin statistics
    • shrink factor
    • potential scale reduction factor
  • idea:
    • compare variance within a chain to variance between chains
  • in practice:
    • use software to compute it
    • aim for \(\hat{R} \le 1.1\) for all continuous variables

R hat for each parameter

summary(stan_fit)$summary[c("mu", "sigma"),"Rhat"]
##       mu    sigma 
## 1.000069 1.000540
## Potential scale reduction factors:
##       Point est. Upper C.I.
## mu             1          1
## sigma          1          1
## Multivariate psrf
## 1



autocorrelation in ‘ggmcmc’



effective sample size

  • intuition:
    • how many samples are “efficient, actual samples” if we strip off autocorrelation
  • definition:

\[\text{ESS} = \frac{N}{ 1 + 2 \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} ACF(k)}\]

# remember: total samples 4000
summary(stan_fit)$summary[c("mu", "sigma"), "n_eff"]
##       mu    sigma 
## 3162.536 3114.108
# remember: total samples 100,000
##       mu    sigma 
## 2585.473 2361.593





  • parameter inference in Stan based on Lee & Wagenmakers (2015) ch. 3 & 4
    • relevant Stan code is provided here
  • [important!!!] install Stan via R-package rstan, following these instructions

  • run the model from the slide “example: inferring a coin’s bias with Stan” on your own computer (files for download)